How far down should a stump be ground?

If you’re wondering how far down a tree stump should be ground, it’s a good idea to get a few answers from a professional tree doctor. Because you probably know a bit about stump maintenance, you may have some great ideas on the topic. However, a tree doctor is trained to give specific answers to specific situations. So, when you ask him how far down should a stump be ground, keep in mind that he has a very good reason for his answer and not just your wild ideas. That’s because every stump is different.Hernandez Tree can discuss your stump grinding needs and give you a quote.

In Atlanta, some homeowners are wondering how far down should a stump be ground. The question is often brought up by those who live in lower ground. They want their home grounds to be nice and even, but they also want to have a small amount of privacy so that they can enjoy the charm of their home year-round without being bothered by the noisy, curious neighbors below. Some homeowners argue that they’re being unreasonable about wanting more privacy. They also argue that their neighbors’ homes are never clear of dirt or debris and the noise doesn’t deter them from using their land the way they want. As such, they feel that they’re being denied their right to have as much privacy as they’d like.

Well, if you have a home in Atlanta, Georgia, chances are that you already know the answer to this question. Homeowners in Atlanta don’t really have any right to want more privacy when they own a stump. The fact is that dirt and debris always accumulate on stumps regardless of whether you keep it covered or not. In fact, some homeowners will even say that it’s unfair that the Atlanta area is often plagued with a “stump boom” – a large number of new stumps being built every few months in an effort to meet the growing need for cheap home-built construction in Atlanta.

The fact is that no matter where you live in the U.S., no matter what your situation may be, you have the right to request that a stump is ground to the bottom of your lot. You have the right to petition the soil around your property to “dig up” your yard. In fact, if you live in Atlanta and have a problem with the unsightly “stump boom”, you may actually have a case. The following is an Atlanta homeowner’s viewpoint on the subject of stump removal.”When I moved out, my dad told me that if you didn’t want something moved, you had to ask before it was moved. So, I asked him when he moved away if we could have the stump dug up and moved it. He said, ‘Nah, you can’t have it moved unless it’s really big.’ So, since then I have been trying to follow his instructions, which is basically you have to ask first, so you don’t have something moved that you don’t want.”

According to a spokesperson with the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT), there are two rules that apply to stump removals in Atlanta: one, the area must be accessible to the public and two, the area cannot be considered a public work. Stump removal in Atlanta is considered a private job. According to DOT, in order to be buried under the ground for more than twelve inches, the stump cannot be a metal pole or sign, and it can only be a wood log that weighs less than four hundred pounds. In addition, the DOT says that any protruding nail or screw used to remove the stump cannot be used as a hammer and chisel and must be attached to the stump with a proper fitting screw.

Post Author: Sage King

Penelope Penny Sage King: Penny, a professional organizer, offers organization hacks, storage solutions, and advice on maintaining a tidy home.